Erik Townsend welcomes Art Berman to MacroVoices. Erik and Art discuss:
- Perspective on OPEC and the 9-month extension on production cuts
- OPEC’s goal to keep a floor under oil prices
- Positioning of oil traders since February
- Reasons for lower oil prices
- Putting U.S. production into perspective
- Where does comparative inventory price Brent and WTI
- Inventory data and forecasts
- Impact of capital markets and central bank policy
- Early recovery from oil price collapse
- Correlation of U.S. debt to tight oil
- Term structure of the crude oil markets
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Arthur E. Berman is a geological consultant with thirty-seven years of experience in petroleum exploration and production. He currently is consulting for several E&P companies and capital groups in the energy sector. He frequently gives keynote addresses for investment conferences, boards of directors and professional societies. He is often interviewed about energy topics on television, radio, and national print and web publications including CNBC, CNN, CBC, BNN,, Bloomberg, Platt’s, Financial Times, and New York Times. He is a Director of ASPO-USA (Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas USA). He was a Managing Director and frequent contributor at The Oil Drum, and is an associate editor of the AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Bulletin. He was past Editor of the Houston Geological Society Bulletin (2004-2005) and past Vice-President of the Society (2008-2009). He has published more than 100 articles on geology, technology, and the petroleum industry during the past 5 years.