Erik Townsend welcomes Hugh Hendry to MacroVoices. Erik and Hugh discuss:
- Global economic outlook
- Is wage and price inflation coming?
- Outlook for the US dollar
- Where are interest rates and the yield curve going?
- Bond volatility vs. steepener
- Consideration on precious metals
- Outlook for the Global equity markets
- The credit bubble in China
- Outlook for the Macro hedge fund industry
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Hugh is the Founder, Partner, Principal Portfolio Manager of Eclectica Asset Management and leads both the investment thinking and research teams. He has over 20 years’ investment experience with Baillie Gifford, Credit Suisse Asset Management and Odey Asset Management. Hugh graduated in 1990 with a joint honours BA in accounting and economics from the University of Strathclyde and has regularly published research papers for practitioner and industry journals.