Erik Townsend welcomes Keith McCullough to MacroVoices. Erik and Keith discuss:
- Bullish narrative on equities
- Valuation is not a catalyst
- Trends in growth and inflation
- Where are we in the economic cycle
- Global economic divergences
- Growth acceleration puts a lid on market multiples
- Earnings considerations
- Considerations on technology valuations
- Long/short strategies
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Prior to founding Hedgeye Risk Management, Keith built a successful track record as a hedge fund manager at the Carlyle-Blue Wave Partners hedge fund, Magnetar Capital, Falconhenge Partners, and Dawson-Herman Capital Management.
Keith has been a regular market guest on financial TV and radio for many years including CNN and Fox Business, as well as a contributor for CNBC and Bloomberg. He now hosts The Macro Show weekday mornings on HedgeyeTV which was featured in a Huffington Post story, "Meet The Man Who Wants To Build The ESPN Of Finance."
He is the author of the popular book, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager and regularly shares his market and economic commentary on Fortune, Investopedia and other financial websites.
He began his career as an institutional equity sales analyst after earning an economics degree from Yale University. While at Yale, he captained the men's ice hockey team to a Division I Ivy League Championship.