Erik Townsend welcomes Francesco Filia to MacroVoices. Erik and Francesco discuss:
- Measuring the equity bubble
- Measuring the bond bubble
- What could be the catalyst be for the reversal?
- Fake market narrative
- Chasing narratives and global growth
- Positive feedback loops
- ETFs and their impact on the markets
- Systemic risks from funds not just banks
- Considerations on European junk bonds
- S&P values vs. share buybacks
- Risks to the market from the short VOL trade
SPECIAL POSTGAME GUEST: The Macro Tourist Kevin Muir discussing bonds, inflation and the coming collapse of the short VIX trade.
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Francesco heads all portfolio management and research related activities at Fasanara. He also spearheads the identification and implementation of all relevant portfolio tail hedging strategies.
Prior to co-founding Fasanara, Francesco was Managing Director and EMEA Head of the MidCaps & Principal Investors group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In his role, Francesco directed Bank of America Merrill Lynch operations across Europe, Middle East and Africa with responsibilities on multi- strategy, multi-assets portfolio solutions.
Prior to joining Merrill Lynch in 2000, Francesco was a research analyst at JP Morgan Securities where he published several research white papers covering areas such as derivatives modeling and fixed income / volatility strategies. Francesco is a graduate of Bocconi University in Milan and a scholar of Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.