Erik Townsend welcomes Josh Steiner to MacroVoices. Erik and Josh discuss:
- Macro drivers of the Canadian and Australian real estate markets
- Canada’s "Minsky Moment"
- Turning up the heat with policies
- Impact on Canadian Banks
- Australian one-cylinder economy
- Perspective on the Australian construction boom
- Negative gearing in Australia and home equity withdrawal
- Considerations on U.S. real estate
- There is still room to run in the U.S. markets
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Josh has two decades of experience following sectors including specialty finance, general financial services, and satellite communications. Prior to Hedgeye Risk Management, Josh was an integral part of the number-one ranked Institutional Investor and Greenwich Survey Mortgage, and specialty finance team at Lehman Brothers before moving to the buy-side at Amaranth Group and Millennium Partners. He began his financial career at CE Unterberg, Towbin covering the satellite communications sector.
Josh is a CFA charterholder and holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Rochester.