Erik Townsend welcomes Jeffrey Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss:
- Gold swaps and how do central banks engage in them
- What has changed in gold swaps, how are they done today?
- The gold bug’s conspiracy theory about “gold pukes”
- What happened to gold in the 2008 crisis
- What caused gold to turn at the end of 2008
- Why do central banks still hold gold after 2008 and why are others not?
- Why did gold peak in 2011 and what was so bearish about it in 2013?
- How do dollar index futures fit into the gold story?
- How has the mood changed in gold starting 2017?
- How will gold play out if the dollar continues to slide
- Topic nnInterbank lending statistics discontinued, what does it mean
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Mr. Snider is Chief Investment Strategist and Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investment Partners. Through detailed and comprehensive investigation of the global monetary and banking system, he was one of the few analysts to sound the alarm during the run-up to the panic of 2008 and then to predict the rebound in 2009. His current commentary focuses on the global implications of the ongoing monetary deconstruction including the failure of Federal Reserve and central bank policy. Mr. Snider is published nationally at RealClearMarkets, NewsMax, David Stockman's Contra Corner, and other places.