About Erik Townsend

hedge fund manager Erik Townsend

Erik Townsend is a retired software entrepreneur turned hedge fund manager. Throughout his career, Erik has capitalized on his ability to understand complex systems and anticipate paradigm shifts far in advance of the mainstream. Read More...

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Guest Pitches!

Arthur Berman largeErik Townsend welcomes Art Berman to MacroVoices. Erik and Art discuss:

  • Comparative inventory levels on oil 
  • Oil price responsive to inventories
  • Realization price recovery in crude prices takes time
  • Refinery intakes have not recovered
  • Where are average consumption levels
  • Outlook on gasoline & distillate stocks
  • Backwardation on WTI
  • Considerations on OPEC-NOPEC production cuts
  • Global market balance on oil

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J ChristianErik Townsend welcomes Jeffrey Christian to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss:

  • Outlook on the US Dollar
  • Global de-dollarization
  • Outlook on gold and silver
  • Considerations on basic materials
  • Why are grains so weak?
  • Considerations on new crude oil contract with settlement in yuan, backed by gold 
  • The next Fed Chairman
  • ECB policy considerations and decentralization trends in Europe
  • Considerations on the Russian economy
  • Credit issues in China

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JeffreySniderEurodollar University 02 bErik Townsend welcomes back Jeffrey Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss:

  • The case of the missing money
  • Transformation of banking into a wholesale model
  • Radical monetary evolution
  • Wholesale vs Offshore Eurodollars
  • Understanding the great inflation of the 1970s
  • Repo markets of the 1970s
  • Development of the Shadow Banking System

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this interview, and Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the interview. Registered users here at MacroVoices.com already received the download link in your research roundup e-mail. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, click “Research Library” and Guest Publications near the top of the page. From there you can download the PDF.

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Yusko With Tie3 2016Erik Townsend welcomes Mark Yuskov to MacroVoices. Erik and Mark discuss:

  • US Dollar bear thesis from 2016
  • Petrodollar world
  • Ascendance of the Renminbi
  • Treasury bonds as a reserve asset
  • Crude oil contract traded in yuan convertible to gold
  • One Belt One Road Initiative
  • Has the blow off top on the dollar occurred?
  • Incrementalism

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Mark Yusko Interview Part 2: All Things Macro 

  • Is there room for further upside on the stock markets?
  • Is the secular bond bull market over? 
  • Inflation outlook
  • Precious metals and commodities

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Mark Grant Erik Townsend welcomes Mark Grant to MacroVoices. Erik and Mark discuss:

  • Outlook for the US Dollar and Euro
  • Where are the US equity markets going?
  • Impact of Global CB policy vs the FED
  • Is the 35-year bond bull market over?
  • Impact of the hurricanes on the economy
  • Outlook for Gold and Silver
  • Considerations on European geopolitics
  • Perspectives on China’s credit bubble
  • Underfunded pension crisis
  • Escalation of North Korea tensions

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Hugh Hendry HeadshotErik Townsend welcomes Hugh Hendry to MacroVoices. Erik and Hugh discuss:

  • Global economic outlook
  • Is wage and price inflation coming?
  • Outlook for the US dollar
  • Where are interest rates and the yield curve going?
  • Bond volatility vs. steepener
  • Consideration on precious metals
  • Outlook for the Global equity markets
  • The credit bubble in China
  • Outlook for the Macro hedge fund industry

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Unfortunately, due to travel there will be no early podcast release tonight.

We sincerely apologize for this delay. We will publish the next podcast this Thursday per the usual schedule.

LukeGromenErik Townsend welcomes Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Why be bearish on the US Dollar?
  • Do budget deficits matter?
  • New yuan oil contract changing global landscape
  • Impact on global Eurodollar system
  • Long gold, short oil
  • What is wrong with a new QE?
  • Impact on global holding of Treasury Bonds
  • Is inflation in the US a risk?
  • Is the economic endgame starting?

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this interview as Erik and Luke will refer to it throughout the interview. Registered users here at MacroVoices.com already received the download link in your research roundup e-mail. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register.  Once logged in, click “Research Library” and Guest Publications near the top of the page. From there you can download the PDF.

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JeffreySniderEurodollar University 02 bErik Townsend welcomes back Jeffrey Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss:

  • How Dollar becomes ‘Dollar’
  • Bankers’ Acceptances
  • The Evolution of Eurodollars
  • Where do Eurodollars come from?
  • Money as interbank liabilities
  • What exactly are Eurodollars?
  • Transformation of banking into a wholesale model

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this interview, and Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the interview. Registered users here at MacroVoices.com already received the download link in your research roundup e-mail. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register.  Once logged in, click “Research Library” and Guest Publications near the top of the page. From there you can download the PDF.

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JoeMcMonigle headshotErik Townsend welcomes Joe McMonigle to MacroVoices. Erik and Joe discuss:

  • Is the oil supply glut rebalancing?
  • Is OPEC just jawboning the market?
  • Import data impacting oil inventories
  • Outlook for U.S. oil production
  • Update on Venezuelan geopolitics
  • What can go wrong with Iran?
  • Is the Petrodollar system at risk?
  • Is the Saudi Aramco IPO going to happen?
  • Is the term structure signaling bullish prices

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MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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