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default Erik Townsend's Substack - What does Nuclear Fusion offer that Thorium MSRs don't? Popular
pdf Eurodollar University - Full Slide Deck ( pdf, 2.80 MB ) Popular
pdf Eurodollar University Part 2 Slide Deck ( pdf, 1.94 MB ) Popular
pdf Eurodollar University Part 3 - Slide Deck ( pdf, 2.30 MB ) Popular
pdf EuroDollar University Season 2 Slide Deck ( pdf, 4.09 MB ) Popular
pdf Even as Clouds Form the Unemployment Rate Poised to Improve ( pdf, 227 KB ) Popular
default Evergreen Gavekal - True Grit, Global Financial Market Commentary Blog Popular
pdf Evergreen Gavekal Charts - MacroVoices 08 2022 ( pdf, 837 KB ) Popular
default FarmTogether - Live Offerings Popular
pdf FarmTogether Media Kit (2023) ( pdf, 6.30 MB ) Popular
default FarmTogether Website - Invest in US Farmland Popular
default Fasanara Capital: Fake Markets: How Artificial Money Flows Kill Data Dependency, Affect Market Functioning and Change the Structure of the Market Popular
default Fasanara Capital: Forget fake news investors should realize the markets are fake says asset manager Popular
default Fasanara Capital: German Bunds have never before been this expensive: the ‘Real Rate to Growth’ Ratio Popular
default Fasanara Capital: How Bad a Damage If Volatility Rises: The Bear Trap of Short Vol ETFs Popular
default Fasanara Capital: The S&P has never before been this expensive: the ‘Peak PEG’ Ratio Popular
default Fasanara Capital: Twin Bubbles Meet Quantitative Tightening Popular
pdf Fasanara Slide Deck February 2019 - CRASH HALLMARKS IN PLAIN SIGHT ( pdf, 2.71 MB ) Popular
pdf Fasanara Slide Deck MacroVoices ( pdf, 2.04 MB ) Popular
pdf Fasanara: Market Fragility How to Position for Twin Bubbles Bust ( pdf, 4.33 MB ) Popular

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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