MacroVoices Research Library

Folder Research Roundup

Starting with the January 4th Research Roundup we will maintain copies of the publications here in the form of PDF documents. All links should continue to work.


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pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 11, 2021 - Diego Parrilla: The End Game Is Inflation But The Path Is Unclear ( pdf, 223 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 14, 2019 - Art Berman: The world is still over-supplied with oil ( pdf, 173 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 15, 2018 - John Mauldin: No sign of imminent recession ( pdf, 120 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 16 2023 - Luke Gromen: USD Update in the Wake of SVB Collapse ( pdf, 699 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 17 2022 - Joseph Wang: Post-FOMC Rundown ( pdf, 351 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 18, 2021 - Juliette Declercq: Why Equities Stand On Much Stronger Ground Than Consensus Seem To Believe ( pdf, 221 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 19, 2020 - Jim Bianco: COVID-19 & Risk Parity Unwind - What's next for markets? ( pdf, 267 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 2 2023 - Dr. Anas Alhajji: Energy Markets and Lessons Learned Since the Russian Invasion ( pdf, 770 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 21, 2019 - David Rosenberg: stocks, yields headed lower ( pdf, 168 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 22, 2018 - Jeff Snider: U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Deep Dive ( pdf, 118 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 23 2023 - Charlie McElligott: Banking Crisis, FOMC, 0DTE, CTAs & more ( pdf, 617 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 24 2022 - Daniel Lacalle: Energy in the New War Economy ( pdf, 341 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 25, 2021 - Robert Friedland: Investing in the Green Revolution ( pdf, 355 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 26, 2020 - Simon White: Aftermath of the biggest monetary policy intervention in world history ( pdf, 211 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 28, 2019 - Eric Peters: The biggest risk is the Central Banks’ inability to spur Growth & Inflation ( pdf, 181 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 29 2023 - Dr. Pippa Malmgren: Perspective on the Further Geopolitical Escalation ( pdf, 637 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 29, 2018 - Julian Brigden: Stocks collapse under own weight or Fed/yields do it for them ( pdf, 117 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 3 2022 - Dr. Pippa Malmgren: WWIII Has Already Started ( pdf, 325 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 31 2022 - Philip Verleger: Central Bank Policy Trumps Energy In Economics ( pdf, 349 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 4, 2021 - Ole Hansen: Commodities Are Back! ( pdf, 279 KB ) Popular

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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