MacroVoices Research Library

Folder Research Roundup

Starting with the January 4th Research Roundup we will maintain copies of the publications here in the form of PDF documents. All links should continue to work.


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pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 5, 2020 - Jesse Felder: Pent-up bearish forces were in place before COVID-19 ( pdf, 226 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 7, 2019 - Barry Ritholtz: Quantitative tightening is not a good reason to be bearish ( pdf, 183 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 8, 2018 - Jim Grant: The great Bond BEAR Market has already begun! ( pdf, 119 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup March 9 2023 - Louis-Vincent Gave: Staying Humble in Troubling Times ( pdf, 622 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 04 2023 - Chris Whalen: Are More Banks Going To Fail? ( pdf, 701 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 10, 2018 - Charles Gave: Our Industry is NOT prepared for secular inflation! ( pdf, 121 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 11 2023 - Mike Green: Banking Crisis, Debt Ceiling, De-dollarization and more ( pdf, 580 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 12 2022 - David Rosenberg: The Fed Put Has Expired ( pdf, 356 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 13, 2021 - Harley Bassman: Hedging a High Interest Future ( pdf, 247 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 14, 2020 - Dr. Ben Hunt: Charting the post COVID-19 economic recovery ( pdf, 213 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 16, 2019 - Simon White: U.S. Dollar in the Crosshairs ( pdf, 179 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 17, 2018 - Juliette Declercq: The bear argument for the USD ( pdf, 112 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 18 2023 - Tian Yang: When the Recession Becomes Obvious ( pdf, 595 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 19 2022 - Louis-Vincent Gave: A Major Geopolitical Transformation Is Underway ( pdf, 457 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 2, 2019 - Juliette Declercq: Questioning the Fed’s ability to service its inflation mandate ( pdf, 174 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 20, 2021 - David Rosenberg: Inflation Will Be Transitory ( pdf, 348 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 21, 2020 - Daniel Lacalle: Fiat Currency Debasement, Central Banks and Gold ( pdf, 253 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 23, 2019 - John Greenwood: We’re at mid-cycle, not late-cycle. Bull Market has plenty of room to run higher ( pdf, 234 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 24, 2018 - Dr. Lacy Hunt: The Bond Bull Market is NOT over! ( pdf, 114 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup May 25 2023 - Daniel Lacalle: On The Road To Stagflation Unpublished ( pdf, 599 KB ) Popular

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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