MacroVoices Research Library

Folder Research Roundup

Starting with the January 4th Research Roundup we will maintain copies of the publications here in the form of PDF documents. All links should continue to work.


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pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 08 2022 - Luke Gromen: The Fed Is Headed For Difficult Decisions ( pdf, 613 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 10, 2020 - Dr. Pippa Malmgren: Get Ready for Trump News Network ( pdf, 386 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 12, 2019 - Juliette Declercq: Inflations is not in the cards ( pdf, 167 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 13 2018 - Prof. Edward Altman: High Yield Benevolent Cycle Not Yet Over ( pdf, 218 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 14th 2023 - Matt Barrie: AI-pocalypse Now ( pdf, 441 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 16 2021 - Francesco Filia: Plotting a Course for Digitization of Financial Markets ( pdf, 499 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 17, 2020 - Kyle Bass: Commodity Bull Market, Inflation & Singapore ( pdf, 450 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 19, 2019 - Jim Bianco: Deep dive into fixed income ( pdf, 199 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 2 2021 - David Rosenberg: Last Disinflationist Standing ( pdf, 478 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 20, 2018 - Daniel Want: Systems View of OTC Derivatives ( pdf, 220 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 21st 2023 - Jim Bianco: Jay Powell’s “word salad”, FOMC Mood Swings, Interest Rate Outlook, Crypto & More ( pdf, 357 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 22 2022 - Mark Nelson: Understanding All Things Nuclear ( pdf, 800 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 23 2021 - Jesse Felder Joins Inflation/Deflation Debate ( pdf, 464 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 24, 2020 - Holiday Special Part 1 ( pdf, 368 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 26, 2019 - Art Berman: Crude Oil Special ( pdf, 164 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 27, 2018 - Year-end Special: Best Market Calls of 2018 ( pdf, 202 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 28th 2023 - Lyn Alden: Broken Energy ( pdf, 600 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 29 2022 - Justin Huhn: Investing in All Thing Nuclear ( pdf, 606 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 3, 2020 - Jeff Snider: QE Still Isn’t Money Printing, and USD Still Isn’t Crashing ( pdf, 490 KB ) Popular
pdf MacroVoices Research Roundup December 30 2021 - Louis-Vincent Gave: China, Russia, US Dollar & more ( pdf, 451 KB ) Popular

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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