About Erik Townsend

hedge fund manager Erik Townsend

Erik Townsend is a retired software entrepreneur turned hedge fund manager. Throughout his career, Erik has capitalized on his ability to understand complex systems and anticipate paradigm shifts far in advance of the mainstream. Read More...

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RealVision TV red 01An interview which was originally aired on June 2, 2016, between Raoul Pal of Real Vision and Edward Misrahi, Goldman Sachs alumni and founder of Eton Park.






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E 4552Color 1Erik Townsend and Aaron Chan introduce the Accredited Investor Academy Series, Part 4. We’re taking this week off from our regular show format, so instead of a featured interview guest, we’re airing the final part of a four-part series about learning to be a sophisticated private investor.

Erik and Aaron discuss:

  • Definition and origins of the hedge fund
  • Whether active managers are able to outperform the market
  • Impediments to investing in the "top name" hedge funds
  • Various hedge fund strategies
  • How to learn and gather more information on hedge funds
  • CTA's and managed futures commodity pools
  • Fund of funds



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RealVision TV red 01An interview which was originally published on August 2, 2016, between Grant Williams of Real Vision and Paul J. Isaac, CEO and Founder of Arbiter Partners Capital Management.






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David S Rose 2013Erik Townsend and Aaron Chan introduce the Accredited Investor Academy Series, Part 3A. We’re taking this week off from our regular show format, so instead of a featured interview guest, we’re airing the third of a four-part series about learning to be a sophisticated private investor.

Erik and David discuss:

  • Background and introduction to angel investing and entrepreneurship through his great uncle David Rose
  • What angel investing actually is, how it might fit in a portfolio, and who it is suited for
  • The time-horizon, temperament, and risk-tolerance required for angel investing
  • The appropriate mind-set when approaching angel investing
  • Expected investment returns from angel investing and the role of diversification
  • Why it's “far better to invest in the jockey than on the horse”
  • Balancing and matching between entrepreneurial execution and bright ideas
  • Mechanics and funding sequence of an angel deal
  • Post-investment lifecycle
  • The importance of networking with veteran angel investors prior to initial investments
  • How the Angel Capital Association vets angel investing groups
  • Learning through reading, finding a mentor, and investing
  • Gust.com angel investing platform, Singularity University and exponential technology

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E 4552Color 1Erik Townsend and Aaron Chan introduce the Accredited Investor Academy Series, Part 3. We’re taking this week off from our regular show format, so instead of a featured interview guest, we’re airing the third of a four-part series about learning to be a sophisticated private investor.

Erik and Aaron discuss:

  • The definition of angel investing
  • Profile of a successful angel investor
  • Professionally-managed alternative investment vehicles
  • Mechanics and nuances involved with investing in alternative vehicles
  • Difference between con men and the true outperformers
  • Investment minimums and investor quotas in 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7) funds
  • Origins of the 2/20 fee structure and appropriate due diligence
  • Particulars of venture capital and private equity limited partnerships
  • Benefits of getting marketing material from funds


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RealVision TV red 01An interview which was originally published on April 29, 2016 between Grant Williams of Real Vision and Jawad Mian, Founder and Managing Editor of Stray Reflections, a global macro research and trading advisory with a focus on major investment themes and actionable trade ideas.





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julian brigden headshotErik Townsend and Aaron Chan welcome Julian Brigden to MacroVoices. Erik and Julian discuss:

  • Waxing and waning of U.S. Dollar cycles driving global crises
  • Central bank over-reaction to oil crash and now cyclical inflation
  • Potentially materially higher headline inflation and wage numbers in 2017
  • China moving from exporting deflation to inflation
  • Peak central bank omnipotence
  • Potential for sub-$1,000 and sub-$14 gold and silver prices
  • Similarities between present conditions and 1986-87
  • Impact of U.S. Dollar repatriation on Eurodollar funding
  • U.S. oil substitution leading to a deficit of reserves around the world
  • Timeline for replacing the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency
  • Real Vision Publications Homepage and Launch Video



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PROFESSOR STEVE KEEN headshotErik Townsend and Aaron Chan welcome Professor Steve Keen to MacroVoices. Erik and Professor Keen discuss:

  • How Trump might be the most Keynesian President since Reagan
  • Possibility of a recession occurring before U.S. fiscal stimulus is implemented
  • Private debt level's inability to absorb higher rates
  • Prospects for a debt jubilee and subsequent credit boom
  • Implementation and distribution of debt jubilee as "people's QE"
  • Unconstrained QE from central banks
  • European Union disintegration making Lehman look like a picnic
  • Knock-on effects from European Union disintegration
  • Last gasps of neoliberalism evidenced by upcoming UK university classification system



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Arthur Berman largeErik Townsend and Aaron Chan welcome Art Berman to MacroVoices. Erik and Art discuss:

  • OPEC's latest production cut agreement and what it means
  • Production cut being more akin to a floor than a ceiling
  • False conception of cutting production to bring balance to an already-balanced market
  • How excess oil in storage will suppress prices for some time to come
  • Weak demand growth similar to late-2014 won't support higher prices
  • Resumption of U.S. production in response to higher prices
  • OPEC not being as desperate as portrayed by the media
  • Weakening global economy as the main driver for low oil prices




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E 4552Color 1

Erik Townsend and Aaron Chan introduce the Accredited Investor Academy Series, Part 2. We’re taking this week off from our regular show format, so instead of a featured interview guest, we’re airing the second of a four-part series about learning to be a sophisticated private investor.

Erik and Aaron discuss:

  • The process of re-inventing oneself from running a company as an entrepreneur to managing and running money
  • Skillset required for investing versus entrepreneurship
  • Resources for re-educating yourself into a sophisticated investor
  • Options in alternative financial media
  • The utility of financial and private investor conferences and groups
  • The different categories of private investors and the work required
  • How to take a more active role in managing your own investments
  • Difference between an asset allocator and a full-time investor


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MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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