Macro Voices Podcasts

Marc Faber largeErik Townsend welcomes Dr. Marc Faber to MacroVoices. Erik and Marc discuss:

  • The Fed, Treasury, and U.S. Government are one and the same - Neo-Keynesian Interventionists
  • Negative interest rates, and the possibility of seeing them in The U.S.
  • "The War on Cash" and other trends driving insecurity and leading to increased rates of saving
  • "Helicopter Money" and other Fed options for direct stimulus to spenders
  • The political forces driving huge foreign investment in Indochina
  • The contrast between the great Asian success stories, and the failures of other emerging markets
  • India, its potential, particularly for stock pickers, and the problems it faces
  • "China Beach," Vietnamese real estate, and the difficulties of investing in many Asian nations
  • The inevitable deflating of the "Chinese credit bubble"
  • Kyle Bass' outsized bet against the Yuan
  • Precious metals, gold mining stocks, and much, much more

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Jim Rogers largeErik Townsend welcomes legendary investor Jim Rogers as MacroVoices’ first feature interview. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • China both long and short-term
  • Falling currencies around the world
  • The coming market turmoil and its tactical bullish implications for the U.S. dollar, even in the face of longer-term bearish forces that will also affect the dollar
  • U.S. monetary policy and the failure of Quantitative Easing
  • Weakness in the banking sector despite massive injections of liquidity
  • The 35-year bond bull market and its eventual end
  • Current trouble in high-yield credit (junk bonds)
  • Whether the recent breakout in gold prices is sustainable or a parabolic surge that could lead to a blow-off to
  • U.S. debt levels, and their consequences and market implications
  • Implications of the upcoming U.S. Presidential election on markets
  • Sovereign debt crises
  • De-dollarization and much more.

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MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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